
German Vocabulary │ The Colors

This lecture is about colors. For the correct pronunciation I embedded my German Colors Video at the end of the post as well. 

Colors in German Vocabulary


  • braun – brown
  • hellbraun – light brown
  • dunkelbraun – dark brown
  • grün – green
  • hellgrün – light green
  • dunkelgrün – dark green
  • blau – blue
  • hellblau – light blue
  • dunkelblau – dark blue
  • türkis – turquoise / cyan
  • lila / violet – purple
  • rosa – pink
  • rot – red
  • orange – orange
  • gelb – yellow
  • schwarz – black
  • weiß – white
  • grau – grey

EasyDeutsch Vocabulary Video: The Colors in German

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