Do you know the German numbers? Do you know the system and do you know how to form them? For example the number 76 is formed like this: sechsundsiebzig("sixandseventee"). The "Sechs" (6) comes before "Siebzig" (70).
I prepared an overview and a short video lesson for you! Learn the German numbers!!
German Numbers from 0 to 10.000.000
German Numbers Pronunciation
German Numbers 0 - 29 | |||||
0 | null | 10 | zehn | 20 | zwanzig |
1 | eins | 11 | elf | 21 | einundzwanzig |
2 | zwei | 12 | zwölf | 22 | zweiundzwanzig |
3 | drei | 13 | dreizehn | 23 | dreiundzwanzig |
4 | vier | 14 | vierzehn | 24 | vierundzwanzig |
5 | fünf | 15 | fünfzehn | 25 | fünfundzwanzig |
6 | sechs | 16 | sechzehn | 26 | sechsundzwanzig |
7 | sieben | 17 | siebzehn | 27 | siebenundzwanzig |
8 | acht | 18 | achtzehn | 28 | achtundzwanzig |
9 | neun | 19 | neunzehn | 29 | neunundzwanzig |
German Numbers 10 - | |||
10 | zehn | 101 | einhunderteins |
20 | zwanzig | 102 | einhundertzwei |
30 | dreißig | 103 | einhundertdrei |
40 | vierzig | 110 | einhundertzehn |
50 | fünfzig | 111 | einhundertelf |
60 | sechzig | 112 | einhundertzwölf |
70 | siebzig | 113 | einhundertdreizehn |
80 | achtzig | 120 | einhundertzwanzig |
90 | neunzig | 136 | einhundertsechsunddreißig |
100 | einhundert | 197 | einhundertsiebenundneunzig |
200 | zweihundert | 1.250 | eintausendzweihundertfünfzig |
250 | zweihundertfünfzig | 2.000 | zweitausend |
300 | dreihundert | 3.000 | dreitausend |
400 | vierhundert | 4.000 | viertausend |
500 | fünfhundert | 5.000 | fünftausend |
600 | sechshundert | 100.000 | einhunderttausend |
700 | siebenhundert | 200.000 | zweihunderttausend |
800 | achthundert | 1.000.000 | Millionen |
900 | neunhundert | | Milliarden |
1.000 | eintausend | | Billionen |
The system is pretty easy! But always remember to following things:
- First the numbers from 1-9 then the multiple of 10 = dreiundzwanzig (23)
- "s" at the end of 1 (eins) only if it isn´t followed by something else
- No "s" or "en" (sechs / sieben) if it´s followed by "z" (sechzig / siebzig)
When do you have to write the number in letters?
NEVER!! If you want, you can always use the number. That´s never wrong! But if you want to you could always write it as letters. But for numbers with more than 2 syllables it´s not common.
You can NOT write it as letters if you use abbrevaitions for measurements, weights, currencies, etc.
For Example: 3 km , 10 min, 5 kg, 6 EUR , 8 $
Exercise German Numbers
Write the following numbers in letters and compare your number with the answer key provided. Pay attention to the correct order of the different parts!
Easy: 12, 34, 65, 67, 22, 80, 78, 99, 88, 51
Intermediate: 123, 456, 745, 856, 1420, 1765, 5.012, 23.002, 56.567, 99.999
Hard: 234.567, 567.321, 892.011, 777.777, 33.333.000, 5.555.555.555, 234.567.890.123.456
Show correct answers
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