
Category Archives for B1

Work & Profession in German

Work and Professions in German

This article is about jobs and all of the phrases, verbs, and words that you need to be able to talk about the topic. If your German is advanced, you can also read this article entirely in German.   Asking about someone’s job: Was bist du von Beruf? – Ich bin Arzt. What is your […]


50 German Words – Halloween

Vocabulary Galery: Halloween [su_custom_gallery source=“media: 6386,6388,6390,6392,6394,6396,6398,6400,6402,6404,6406,6408″ link=“lightbox“ title=“never“] 50 German Words about Halloween For any further question do not hesitate to write a comment! I will answer your questions! [easy-social-like facebook=“true“ facebook_url=“https://www.facebook.com/EasyDeutsch“ twitter_follow=“true“ twitter_follow_user=“EasyDeutsch“ google_follow=“true“ google_follow_url=“https://plus.google.com/b/103119812796307817812″ youtube=“true“ youtube_chanel=“UCluY2ph0_l4rwlYEz_xHM6g“ pinterest_pin=“true“ skin=“flat“ counters=0 align=“left“] [easy-social-share buttons=“facebook,twitter,vk,google,weibo,whatsapp,mail“ counters=0 hide_names=“yes“ template=“clear-retina“ facebook_text=“Auf Facebook teilen“ twitter_text=“Auf Twitter teilen“ vk_text=“Auf VK […]


German Words – 30 Prefixes for „kommen“

„Kommen“ is a very versatile verb. You can combine it with many different prefixes. Because it´s a verb of movement you can combine it with almost every locative preposition. A verb made out of two parts is also called compound verb. The meaning depends on the prefix. Write down the new words and learn their meaning! […]


German Music – 10 Songs that will boost your German

10 Songs, 10 Different Artists, 10 Different Genres, 10 Vocabulary Lists, and 10 English Translations. Are you learning German and looking for beautiful songs that will help you improve your listening comprehension and teach you some new vocabulary? Then you’re in the right place! Many people think that German sounds cold and rude. My opinion […]


German Dictation – A2/B1 – Help for Refugees

In this dictation your learn new German words about the topic refugees welcome in Germany?   Practise your listening and writing skills! Explanation: I will read the whole text. I will repeat the first sentence and dictate everything word by word. You listen carefully and write down the text on your computer or a piece of […]


German Words #2 – The parts of the body

At the doctors you often have to explain where and which part of your body hurts. But without the German words for the different parts of teh body that´s quiet difficult. I set up a list of the most important parts of the body in German. German Words: Körperteile / Parts of the body Der […]


Learn German with Music Videos #10

This song teach you German words about dreams, fantasy and hope. Learn the vocabulary that helps you to express your feelings, dreams and hopes. If you listen to German music regulary you can improve you listening comprehension skills. Beside the video you will find the lyrics and the most important vocabulary with it´s Translation. Andreas […]

Learn german with music 9

Learn German with Musik #9

With this song you can learn new words about the topics: Titanic, sinking ships, danger, technique and ocean. You should have at least a basic knowledge of German to understand this song. If you listen to German music regulary you can improve you listening comprehension skills. Beside the video you will find the lyrics and […]


Deutsch lernen mit Musikvideos #7

This song will teach you German words about war, military and aggression. This song was published in the 1980´s but in times of civil war in Syria and Iraque it couldn´t be more up-to date. Learn the German words and share it with your friends if you are against war and killing of people for […]


Deutsch Lernen mit Musikvideos #6

If you listen to German music regulary you can improve you listening comprehension skills. You  can listen to the song and read the lyrics together with the translation just right under the video. This song will teach you German words about love, cities, the society and namelessness of modern cities. Cassandra Steen ft. Adel Tawil […]
