At the doctors you often have to explain where and which part of your body hurts. But without the German words for the different parts of teh body that´s quiet difficult. I set up a list of the most important parts of the body in German.
German Words: Körperteile / Parts of the body
Der Kopf
- der Kopf (ö, e) = the head
- die Hand (ä, e) = the hand
- das Bein (e) = the leg
- der Arm (e) = the arm
- das Haar (e) = the hair
- die Stirn (kein Plural) = the forehead
- das Muttermal (e) / der Leberfleck (e) = the mole
- das Ohrläppchen (-) = the earlobe
- die Wange (n) = the cheek
- der Zahn (ä, e) = the tooth
- die Zunge (n) = the tongue
- das Kinn (s) = the chin
- die Brust (ü, e) = the chest / the breast
- der Hals (ä, e) = the neck
- die Schulter (n) = the shoulder
- die Lippe (n) = the lip
- der Mund (ü, er) = the mouth
- das Nasenloch (ö, er) = nostril
- die Nase (n) = the noose
- das Ohr (en) = the ear
- das Auge (n) = the eye
- die Schläfe (n) = the temple
- die Augenbraue (n) = the eyebrow
Die Hand
- der Finger (-) = the finger
- der kleine Finger = the little finger
- der Ringfinger = the ring finger
- der Mittelfinger = the middle finger
- der Zeigefinger = the fore finger
- der Daumen = the thumb
- der Knöchel = the knuckle
- die Handfläche (n) = the palm
- das Handgelenk (e) = the wrist
Das Bein
- der Oberschenkel (-) = upper leg / thigh
- das Knie (Plural: Betonung mit Pause vor dem e) = the knee
- das Schienbein (e) = the shin
- die Wade (n) = the calf
- das Fußgelenk (e) = the ankle
- die Ferse (n) = the heel
- der Fuß (ü, e) = the foot
- die Sohle (n) = the sole
- der Zeh (en) // die Zehe (n) = the toe
- der Fußrücken (-) = the instep
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